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S-MASOC33 DVOA's Annual Scout Event
  • Topic created by Orienteer7 on Mon Dec 12, 2022 at 5:35 pm
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 329
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    Our Annual S-MASOC (#34) event is scheduled for May 6th, 2023 at French Creek State Park.

    Unless something changes over the next few months  the event will return to the annual format with "regular"

    cross-country in the morning and an afternoon score event followed by an awards ceremony.  

    The last event in this format was 2019.  As of 3 years ago we went away from annual mailings in favor of direct 

    email notifications with pdf information and registration forms.  If you are interested in getting this information 

    when it is distributed in January 2023 please email me at orienteer7 at aol dot com.  Subject Line should be:

    "S-MASOC34"   If you are a scout troop please give me at least 2 contact addresses, Troop # and troop location.

    If you are in contact with a nearby scout troop it would be helpful if you could forward on the information once 

    it is available.  Looking to attract more girl scouts to the event so any email contacts would be helpful.

    Mark Frank
    S-MASOC34 Event Dir.
  • Reply by Orienteer7 on Mon Dec 12, 2022 at 5:36 pm
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 329
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    Header should read S-MASOC34.....
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