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Coventry Woods: No Compass Challenge!
  • Topic created by KathyM on Tue Nov 29, 2022 at 7:01 pm
    Katherine Moss (KathyM)
    Num Posts: 31
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map:
    First O: 0
    Registration is open for Coventry Woods on December 11th!  Ron, our course setter, is offering a special no-compass challenge for this event.  Please see the details, below:

    NO-COMPASS Challenge


    Do you want to improve/challenge your map reading skills?


    Do you want to verify to yourself your map reading skills are at an advanced level? 


    At the upcoming Coventry Woods event you could earn up to 3 reduced rates at DVOA local future events if you complete your Orange, Brown, Green or Red courses without the use of a compass.

    Anyone who can complete their Course without the aid of a compass will receive a voucher for $10 towards a future event fee.


    Completing Red, Green, Brown or Orange without the use of a compass:

    • You should carry a compass with you in case you find you do need it.
    • First place finisher on each of the above courses receives 3 vouchers
    • Second place finisher on each of the above courses receives 2 vouchers
    • All other finishers on each of the above courses receive 1 voucher


    You must compete in your OUSA class to be eligible for the reward.  Blue runners are eligible running Red.

    Again, Eligible Courses are Orange, Brown, Green and Red. 

    We do not expect you to go out without a compass but expect you will not use it during your time on the course

    This is an honor system.  If you say that you did not use a compass at any point on the course you will be taken at your word and will be eligible.


    If you win a voucher, you will register for a future event and state that you will use your voucher towards your entry fee and pay upon arrival.


  • Reply by rgbortz on Thu Dec 1, 2022 at 2:44 pm
    Ron Bortz (rgbortz)
    Num Posts: 191
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Stuckey Pond
    First O: 1986
    You may be asking yourself, as I have reading this post, am I competing with the best runners or others who are  using a compass for the vouchers ?

    To clarify: NO  The vouchers will be based on only those who run or walk the entire course without the aid of a compass. So if you are the fastest finisher without a compass then you get the three vouchers, two for second and one for any place after that.

    If the normally fastest decide to not do the no compass challenge then anyone has a chance at earning extra vouchers.
  • Reply by sfmones on Mon Dec 5, 2022 at 6:21 pm
    Steven Mones (sfmones)
    Num Posts: 103
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map:
    First O: 0
    Does it count if I bring my compass, but I don't believe it and go in some other direction?  ... That is what I usually do anyway.
  • Reply by DaveUrban on Tue Dec 6, 2022 at 9:00 am
    Dave Urban (DaveUrban)
    Num Posts: 165
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map:
    First O: 0
    After some recent dental work, I noticed than when I face directly MN my nose twitches. Am I still eligible to run as "no compass"?  Laughing
  • Reply by Orienteer7 on Tue Dec 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
    Mark Frank (Orienteer7)
    Num Posts: 329
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: French Creek East
    First O: 1974
    This may be the ultimate opportunity if you ever had thoughts (or didn't) of trying an orienteering course without the aid of a compass.

    You may ask .."how do I orient myself if it is cloudy or overcast and there are no shadows ?"

    Coventry Woods is ideal for this since the map lies mainly on a single north facing slope.

    To orient yourself simply face uphill with the map in front of you. North will be through your body and out your back.

    If you have been traveling uphill and crest the mountain, turn around. No courses go that far up.

    Aren't sure where you are ? Going north, which is downhill, will bring you to a trail at which point you can relocate and continuing downhill will get you to registration or in the worst case to the creek at the bottom of the mountain, which runs by registration if you are upstream and a little uphill you will be on St. Peter's Road.

    All courses traverse back-and-forth on the northslope of the map. The Red course will do so four times. The Green course three times. The Brown course only one out and back. The Orange course one time around.

    This may be the premier map in the club for open woods, fast running. Being in the proximity of French Creek expect similar rock features. This is December so all the green vegetation is gone except for patches of laurel which no courses should have to navigate through but you can see some enough to use for navigational purposes.

    The light and medium green may not appear as green at all but the experienced orienteer will say "if it was summer all those saplings would make this quite green." It is all at least walkable. Any briars encoutered can be seen through and you can plot a course around them.

    Red and Green courses will be skirting the water company property and it will be taped off giving you a little bend in your vector leaving start.

    Any vouchers earned for doing your course sans compass may be gifted to someone of your chosing. All voucher earners will be recorded so we will need to know when someone besides yourself uses your voucher. They will just need to inform the registration people who gifted them the voucher. Great gift to get a friend or aquaintence to give orienteering a try.

    One last clarifying point. This is a totally normal event and the no compass challenge is completely voluntary.
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