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Ridley Creek Event Wrap Up & Thanks
  • Topic created by KyleS on Mon Nov 28, 2022 at 12:03 pm
    Kyle Sullivan (KyleS)
    Num Posts: 18
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Bucks County Community College
    First O: 2022
    Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to Ridley Creek State Park despite the weather. I saw a lot of smiles and good spirits from members and non-members (including many of the girl scouts and JROTC students who showed) even with the rain!

    First, thank you to Wyatt Riley who did an excellent job as course setter. His meticulous course setting and personal style received a lot of positive feedback that I heard from participants, and he put in a lot of preparation time in making the courses!

    Thank you also to the volunteers that came and also those who helped with pre-event questions and logistics: Mary Frank (event logistics, organization, and permits), John Gillette (computer questions), Mark Frank (event setup and map distribution), Deborah Samans (clue sheet distribution, fee collection, and participant assistance), Samuel Kollins (event setup and catching out-of-bounds areas), Sandy Fillebrown (computer help), AJ Riley (hanging controls/setup), Angelica Riley (group instruction/education), and Kathy Urban.

    Another big thank you to those who helped with control pickup as things got colder, darker, and more rainy: Kim McCane, Mitch Zimmer, Patrick Shannon, and Wyatt Riley.

    If I forgot or left anyone's name out who helped or volunteered at all, please forgive me - I'm still learning many peoples' names, but I'm sure I saw you helping out and I greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you again and I hope all who came had a good time and I'm glad to have met more regular members yesterday. Any feedback about the event/event directing is appreciated since I'm still new to this.

  • Reply by kathyu on Tue Nov 29, 2022 at 10:19 am
    Kathy Urban (kathyu)
    Num Posts: 676
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Hickory Run Sand Spring
    First O: 2004
    Hi Kyle -- thank you for a fun but damp day at Ridley.  Special thanks to your army of helpers.  It's one thing to hang around in the sunshine and quite another to keep it together in the chill and rain and wind like White Clay Creek and Ridley!  Also a successful event is like an iceberg with the preparation being 90% beneath the surface!
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