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Mid-Atlantic Relay Teams!
  • Topic created by skolins on Sun Nov 27, 2022 at 8:17 pm
    Samuel  Kolins (skolins)
    Num Posts: 183
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Governor Dick
    First O: 2012
    The Mid-Atlantic Championships are next weekend in Maryland!  Come and join the fun and help DVOA retain the crooked compass we won last year.

    In addition to the usual forest courses, there will be a sprint relay through a college campus (legs around 3km long).  If you are interested in participating and are looking to be matched up with teammates, email me (kolsamuel25@gmail.com) and I will set you up with a team.  This is a fun event, so don't feel like you have to be competitive in order to participate in the relay!  If you already have a team, also feel free to shoot me an email for planning purposes.

    Also, don't forget to register for the event.  Starting times are first come first served so register early!

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