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Register now for Mid-Atlantic Championships!
  • Topic created by wriley on Sat Nov 26, 2022 at 6:06 pm
    Wyatt Riley (wriley)
    Num Posts: 145
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Spackman Creek
    First O: 1982
    The Mid-Atlantic Championships are a week from Sunday, and to help us win the Broken Compass Award for 2022, you need to pre-register on QOC's event page.

    After winning the HVO/DVOA rivalry last month in HVO land, we have an even harder challenge coming up, aiming to beat QOC at the Mid-Atlantics.  Among the adults, scoring has been quite close, and the JROTC & Scout member clubs of DVOA have really helped put us over the top in recent years - including our win last year at Fair Hill.

    While it's a longer drive than a DVOA-hosted event, you get 2 races for the price of 1 - go early and run your usual course, have a light lunch/snack, and then help us in the Relay, where scoring has been decisive in most of the last several years.   Not sure who to run with?  Ask in this thread for Sam Kolins to put you on a team!

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