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Our friend Janet Porter
  • Topic created by kathyu on Wed Nov 23, 2022 at 4:15 pm
    Kathy Urban (kathyu)
    Num Posts: 676
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Hickory Run Sand Spring
    First O: 2004
    Please give a hand to Janet Porter.
    She had a serious house fire.
  • Reply by EricW on Wed Nov 23, 2022 at 7:38 pm
    Eric Weyman (EricW)
    Num Posts: 99
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    Thank you for posting Kathy.
  • Reply by Steve on Thu Nov 24, 2022 at 9:05 am
    Steve Aronson (Steve)
    Num Posts: 393
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Paradise Farm
    First O: 1993
    To be more specific, Janet had an old under counter refrigerator over heat, which started the blaze. She was not at home at the time. Neighbors heard the dogs barking, and kicked in the front door, rescuing all three, they are now at foster homes. The cat hid on the third floor and succombed to the smoke. Janet is living in a motel, paid for by insurance, until things can be sorted out. Insuranse investigations always seem to be put on hold over holiday weekends. Dennis has not been living in the house recently, so he is also safe. 
    At this time we do not know if the house can be repaired. 
  • Reply by camperpat on Thu Nov 24, 2022 at 11:11 am
    Pat Burton (camperpat)
    Num Posts: 358
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Hibernia
    First O: 1999
    Thanks for posting.  Janets done so much for our club.  Bob and I  have worked loads of days in the hickory run kitchen with her.  !  
  • Reply by furlong47 on Tue Dec 27, 2022 at 11:04 pm
    Julie Keim (furlong47)
    Num Posts: 363
    Primary Club: SVO
    Fav map: Fair Hill 1:15,000
    First O: 1994
    I just spoke with Janet who asked me to post and thank everybody who has donated or helped out in any way. She has found a really nice apartment where she'll live over the next months while her house is being repaired. She says she plans to come to the winter meeting in January.
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