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White Clay Wrap Up and Thanks
  • Topic created by sfmones on Mon Nov 21, 2022 at 11:22 am
    Steven Mones (sfmones)
    Num Posts: 103
    Primary Club: DVOA
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    Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday's event at White Clay Creek.  The conditions were ... challenging.

    First, special thanks to Mary Frank and John Gillette without whom there would not have been an event.  Period.  They helped control my symptoms of EDD (Event Director Dysfunction).  And, on top of everything else they did, Mary's wind-blocking tarp and John's propane heater kept conditions bearable.  Also, course designer Ron Wood's gurgling urn provided hot water for cocoa throughout the day.

    Due to a Delaware hunting season that ran through Saturday, we were not able to access certain areas to hand controls.  Robert Farnk and Ron went out early Sunday morning to finish the control hangling.

    Thank you to all the volunteers, including the aforementioned Mary, John, and Robert, as well as Dave Morgan, Kathy Urban, and Sam Kollins (with a well-bundled baby Nina).  At the end of a cold and windy day, Mary, Robert, John, Ron, Kim McCane, and the Suhocki's pulled controls.

    Lastly, Thank you to Ron Wood who designed courses, hung and pulled controls, and did a myriad of other things to enable the event to occur.  And, also to Ron's wife Phylis who sorted out the courses in Condes to make the event happen.

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