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Prices for US Champs go up July 1
  • Topic created by Sandy on Tue Jun 25, 2024 at 10:06 am
    Sandy Fillebrown (Sandy)
    Num Posts: 313
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Hickory Run 1:15000
    First O: 1993
    DVOA is hosting the 2024 OUSA Nationals (or US Champs) in October on two brand new maps:
    October 11:  Sprint at Nay Aug Park in Scranton
    October 12:  Middle Distance at Merli-Sarnoski Park, about 20 minutes northeast of Scranton
    October 13:  Long Distance at Merli-Sarnoski Park

    All the details are on the website and new information is being added as it becomes available.  One thing to note is that housing in the area may become scarce that weekend, so booking early is recommended if you plan to stay nearby.

    Registration is open.  Register by Sunday June 30 to get the early bird prices.  You can see who is already registered here.

    Hope to see you there!
    Event Director
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