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2022 Volunteer Awards
  • Topic created by Gillettejw on Sun Jan 8, 2023 at 9:43 pm
    John John Gillette (Gillettejw)
    Num Posts: 86
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Camp Horseshoe
    First O: 2012
    Happy New Year everyone!

    The time has come to recognize the volunteers that made our events happen in 2022.  To vote for our Course Setters and Event Directors, I have set up a Google Form that lists the volunteers with their event.  PLease fill out the form online before our winter meeting.  The survey site will close at midnight Friday night before the meeting.

    (if the link does not work please cut and paste the following to your browser:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdjXG0ShGAArNN2JwN2wAXvcIaWE8K-IGBSRj3RY52plC4cQ/viewform?usp=sf_link)

    The categories for the awards are:

    Course Setter of the Year (Novice)
    Course Setter of the Year (Experienced)
    Event Director of the Year (Novice)
    Event Director of the Year (Experienced)
    Sprint Course Setter of the Year (NEW)
    Sprint Event Director of the Year (NEW)
    Event Helper of the Year (write in)
    Favorite Map of 2022 (NEW)

    Results will be tabiulated by name by category, so responses for Course Setters and Event Directors who served multiple times will be combined. 

    For members who are not comfortable with computers, we will provide paper ballots at the winter meeting.  Please vote only once.  Smile

    Thank you and see you at the meeting!

    John Gillette
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