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Final O-Event of 2019
  • Topic created by bobburg on Sun Dec 1, 2019 at 7:33 pm
    Bob Burg (bobburg)
    Num Posts: 197
    Primary Club: DVOA
    Fav map: Batsto
    First O: 1999
    Guaranteed to be a coyote-free zone.

    Next Sunday Dec 8th we're offering a full set of courses White thru Blue at 4 Mile Circle on what is (in substantial areas) for most DVOA members a brand new dramatically revised map.  Major revisions last year (which few members experienced with the Junior Nationals in MA the same weekend), as well as now even more terrain to explore for the first time in years and years.  Logging just before and right after our 2005 map soon rendered the entire NW corner of the map inaccessible except for long stupid legs into and out of that area.  Now it is once again available....and used perhaps for the first time in decades, if ever.  

    So please join 50 JROTC cadets from our Tyler Area 4 Championship, and the 30 Outdoor Club members that the Burtons have attracted to our event. (Yes, 30! Kudos Pat and Bob.) As always the Pineland terrain is such a unique treasure, different from any of our other maps, and the new mapping promises as much white woods as course setting can imagine. Final course stats will be posted on the web-schedule within a day or two.

    And if long range forecasts can be believed, we may have as nice an early Dec day as possible. How does sun in the mid/upper 40's sound?  Hope you all will join us and enjoy the updated map that courses will take full advantage of. And of course, we welcome all the help we can get, before or after your course.

    Starts will still continue until 1pm, but if you might take a very scenic route, you might want to start at least by noon.  Being the shortest day of the year on the DVOA schedule, we will be shooting to begin pick-up at 2:30 if at all possible.

    Our staging area is just inside the park's main entrance, just behind the fire tower on Rt 72.
    See you all in the woods. 

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