Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
FC Central May 02, 2004 Yellow 77:00 13/19 3.80 70.0 10 20:15
2818.42 0.00 2786.67
Hibernia May 30, 2004 Yellow 62:43 2/10 3.34 52.0 8 18:46
1765.69 0.00 3623.00
FC North Sep 19, 2004 Yellow 47:48 2/27 4.30 95.0 8 11:06
0.00 0.00 2864.33
FC North Sep 19, 2004 Yellow 47:48 2/18 4.30 95.0 8 11:06
1702.18 0.00 2864.33
Harriman Oct 02, 2004 Yellow 47:13 10/20 3.40 65.0 11 13:53
2555.41 0.00 1884.67
Harriman Oct 03, 2004 Yellow 40:01 8/22 3.50 55.0 12 11:26
2273.93 0.00 1795.00
Totals:  5:22:33
  22.64 432.0 57 14:14

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:2074.302
Overall Rank:96 of 156
Women's Rank:14 of 34
Class Rank:2 of 3

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