Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
FC North Aug 01, 2004 Green 168:47 21/23 4.80 170.0 11 35:09
3243.43 0.00 4059.00
FC North Sep 19, 2004 Green 168:47 44/46 4.80 170.0 11 35:09
0.00 0.00 3468.33
Totals:  5:37:34
  9.60 340.0 22 35:09

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:0.000
Overall Rank:0 of 156
Men's Rank:0 of 121
Class Rank:0 of 20

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