Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
Tamanend Park May 25, 2024 Sprint 1 0:15:37 3/34 2.80 0.0 14 5:34
0.00 0.00 0.00
Tamanend Park May 25, 2024 Sprint 2 0:14:40 3/26 2.60 0.0 12 5:38
0.00 0.00 0.00
Willows Apr 20, 2024 White 0:13:42 1/32 2.10 55.0 12 6:31
0.00 0.00 1573.44
Willows Apr 20, 2024 Orange 0:26:58 4/21 3.10 95.0 18 8:41
0.00 0.00 3139.17
Willows Apr 20, 2024 Brown 0:38:50 6/32 4.10 110.0 16 9:28
83.15 2330.00 1807.24
Willows Apr 20, 2024 Yellow 0:18:57 1/30 2.60 75.0 11 7:17
0.00 0.00 2069.29
Totals:  38:50
  4.10 110.0 16 9:28

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:83.154
Overall Rank:0 of 42
Men's Rank:0 of 28
Class Rank:0 of 3

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