Event Summary

Event NameDateCourseTimePlaceLengthClimbCtrlsPaceScorePCD*CGV*
Springton Manor Apr 17, 2011 Red 1:11:30 15/19 5.80 130.0 24 12:19
50.95 3449.90 3493.07
Governor Dick Apr 03, 2011 Red 2:29:57 8/12 8.20 200.0 15 18:17
49.72 7235.14 7147.69
Totals:  3:41:27
  14.00 330.0 39 15:49

*PCD: Personal Course Difficulty  *CGV:Course Gnarliness Value (Course Difficulty)

Ranking Summary

Ranking Score:0.000
Overall Rank:0 of 165
Men's Rank:0 of 119
Class Rank:0 of 7

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