Event Director:
Steve Aronson
Course Design:
John De Wolf, Eric Weyman, Steve Aronson
DVOA Long-O Championships


Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Daniel C. Miller M-12 22:28 7:44 0:00 1549.74  
2 Michael DeWolf M-12 24:28 8:26 2:00 1687.70 -291.6
3 Chris Rosato M-13 BSA 51 35:42 12:18 13:14 2462.57  
4 Robert Frank M-12 42:15 14:34 19:47 2914.38 +786.3
5 Rich Rosato M40+ BSA 42:53 14:47 20:25 2958.07  
6 Tory Lingg F60+ 48:30 16:43 26:02 3345.50 +924.7
7 Herzog Family G4 68:03 23:27 45:35    
8 Tim Theisen G3 71:35 24:41 49:07    
9 Amy Brounley F35+ 72:25 24:58 49:57 4995.26  
10 Gil Martin M60+ WC Adult O 79:14 27:19 56:46 5465.47  
11 Chris Mori G3 80:12 27:39 57:44    
White Summary
Length 2.90km
Climb 35.0m
Num Controls 9
Average Time 53:25
Average Pace 18:25
Num Maps 11
Num Orienteers 18
Total Time 18:15:28
Total Distance 52.20km
Total Climb 630.0m
Total Controls 162
White Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Jonathan DeWolf M-14 30:12 8:23 0:00 1276.59 -646.6
2 Tom Olds M40+ 38:50 10:47 8:38 1641.53  
3 Kathy Allen F-21+ 51:37 14:20 21:25 2181.89  
4 Liz Stewart F40+ 51:43 14:21 21:31 2186.12  
5 Frances T. Miller M-14 60:10 16:42 29:58 2543.31  
6 Dayne Thatcher M-12 60:41 16:51 30:29 2565.15 +829.2
7 Holger Stenberg M50+ 61:40 17:07 31:28 2606.71  
8 Joel Allen M-21+ 64:15 17:50 34:03 2715.91  
9 Walsh Group G4 70:48 19:40 40:36    
10 Abby and Jeff G2 76:07 21:08 45:55    
11 Heather Schenkel F-21+ 76:47 21:19 46:35 3245.71  
12 Lisa Seifirt F40+ - 76:50 21:20 46:38 3247.82  
13 Bokko Family G3 79:15 22:00 49:03    
14 Meg McGoldrick G2 82:33 22:55 52:21    
15 Steven Mergel M-21+ 84:53 23:34 54:41 3588.11  
16 Pat Keim F50+ SVO 84:53 23:34 54:41 3588.11 +236.4
17 Gary Kocher G2 86:08 23:55 55:56    
18 Lisa Petkun G4 87:35 24:19 57:23    
19 Peter Zakrevski   89:10 24:46 58:58 3769.17 +803.7
20 Yuri Zakrevski M-14 DVOA 90:40 25:11 60:28 3832.57 +1510.3
21 Lee Choppin M65+ SVO 93:02 25:50 62:50 3932.62  
22 Dan/Swati Mercer G2 94:11 26:09 63:59    
23 Triple + Trouble G5 94:11 26:09 63:59    
24 Ann Otis G4 101:20 28:08 71:08    
25 Linda Chen F50+ 101:35 28:13 71:23 4294.03  
26 Rick Teichman G2 119:02 33:03 88:50    
27 Liz and Brittin G2 123:34 34:19 93:22    
28 Barbara and Mark G2 126:40 35:11 96:28    
29 Michelle Younger G2 155:45 43:15 125:33    
  Bill Herron G2 DNF --- ---    
Yellow Summary
Length 3.60km
Climb 75.0m
Num Controls 7
Average Time 80:28
Average Pace 23:07
Num Maps 30
Num Orienteers 54
Total Time 76:32:30
Total Distance 187.20km
Total Climb 3900.0m
Total Controls 378
Yellow Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Fritz Barnes M40+ 82:01 14:08 0:00 1425.00 -309.3
2 Lavery Group G2 86:46 14:57 4:45    
3 Julia Hanson F-0 QOC 90:13 15:33 8:12 1567.47  
4 Billy Allaband M40+ 93:34 16:07 11:33 1625.68  
5 Francis L Miller M-0 94:40 16:19 12:39 1644.79  
6 Mark Kern M55+ 94:53 16:21 12:52 1648.55 -525.2
7 Sue Harford F45+ 118:35 20:26 36:34 2060.33 -383.4
8 Gary Brown M60+ DVOA 123:35 21:18 41:34 2147.20 -545.4
9 Ki McCane M50+ 132:35 22:51 50:34 2303.57 -129.3
10 Dave Urban M55+ 159:40 27:31 77:39 2774.13 +146.2
  Kathy Urban F55+ DNF --- ---    
  Sue Panettiers F45+ DNF --- ---    
  John Cox G3 DNF --- ---    
Orange Summary
Length 5.80km
Climb 145.0m
Num Controls 6
Average Time 82:48
Average Pace 18:33
Num Maps 13
Num Orienteers 16
Total Time 19:23:18
Total Distance 63.80km
Total Climb 1595.0m
Total Controls 96
Orange Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Scott Thatcher M45+ 47:42 11:21 0:00 1303.17 -115.3
2 Bruce Zeidman M60+ 50:52 12:06 3:10 1389.68 -351.1
3 Bob Fink M50+ 55:10 13:08 7:28 1507.16 -179.9
4 Pat Pomian M-16 56:21 13:25 8:39 1539.48 +247.0
5 Bill Shannon M65+ 57:00 13:34 9:18 1557.24 +0.6
6 Tim Walsh M55+ 59:34 14:10 11:52 1627.36 -287.5
7 Ed Scott M55+ 59:43 14:13 12:01 1631.46 -94.4
8 Fred Kruesi M50+ 62:53 14:58 15:11 1717.97 -334.2
9 Steve Getz M40+ 74:13 17:40 26:31 2027.60 +96.6
10 Tim Gilpatrick M40+ 80:10 19:05 32:28 2190.16 -459.8
11 Nancy Sharp F45+ 83:07 19:47 35:25 2270.75 +173.9
12 Maryann Cassidy F50+ 83:37 19:54 35:55 2284.41 -766.4
13 Samantha Zipp F-21+ 91:22 21:45 43:40 2496.14  
14 Kathleen Geist F50+ 91:45 21:50 44:03 2506.61 +91.0
15 Roger/Andrea Hartley G2 97:09 23:07 49:27    
16 Donna Terefenko F50+ 105:43 25:10 58:01 2888.18 +291.2
17 Merle Kohn M65+ 130:18 31:01 82:36 3559.80 +242.0
18 Karen/Sam Graffman G2 130:47 31:08 83:05    
Brown Summary
Length 4.20km
Climb 95.0m
Num Controls 5
Average Time 78:44
Average Pace 18:44
Num Maps 18
Num Orienteers 20
Total Time 27:25:22
Total Distance 84.00km
Total Climb 1900.0m
Total Controls 100
Brown Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Bob Burg M55+ 85:25 11:14 0:00 1295.87 -158.1
2 Rob Wilkison M50+ 85:46 11:17 0:21 1301.18 -243.1
3 Rob Favorite M50+ 85:53 11:18 0:28 1302.95 -86.5
4 Petr Hartman M40+ 90:30 11:54 5:05 1372.99 -15.2
5 Sam Listwak M45+ QOC 90:40 11:55 5:15 1375.52  
6 Hugh MacMullan III M65+ 91:54 12:05 6:29 1394.23 +33.8
7 Dale Parson M50+ 100:41 13:14 15:16 1527.48 -122.1
8 Christian Hanson M-0 QOC 100:59 13:17 15:34 1532.03  
9 Rich Gaylord M60+ CAOC 103:09 13:34 17:44 1564.91  
10 Mathew Campbell M-21+ 105:33 13:53 20:08 1601.32  
11 Ralph Tolbert M50+ DVOA 109:13 14:22 23:48 1656.94 +91.1
12 Sandy Ahlswede F-21+ 110:52 14:35 25:27 1681.98 -246.4
13 Albina Zakreuski F35+ 113:30 14:56 28:05 1721.93 +239.5
14 Bob Gross M45+ 115:36 15:12 30:11 1753.79 +21.1
15 Mary Frank F45+ 117:58 15:31 32:33 1789.69 +178.7
16 J. Ruszkay / Friend G2 132:52 17:28 47:27    
17 Mike Ahern M50+ DVOA 146:33 19:16 61:08 2223.33  
18 Rick Whiffen M55+ 149:38 19:41 64:13 2270.11 -74.6
19 Barry Landis M55+ 160:29 21:06 75:04 2434.72 +34.8
20 Larry Geist M50+ 164:27 21:38 79:02 2494.90 -160.2
21 Rick Reynolds M55+ 177:29 23:21 92:04 2692.63  
  C. Ruszkay / Friend G2 MP --- ---    
  Mihai D. Veres M-18 MP --- ---    
Green Summary
Length 7.60km
Climb 215.0m
Num Controls 7
Average Time 106:02
Average Pace 15:16
Num Maps 23
Num Orienteers 25
Total Time 42:51:59
Total Distance 167.20km
Total Climb 4730.0m
Total Controls 175
Green Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Alexander Berilo M-20 103:53 8:35 0:00 996.90 -115.6
2 Serga Fedorov M-21+ 110:57 9:10 7:04 1064.71 -82.3
3 Chuck Crabb M45+ 113:25 9:22 9:32 1088.39 -82.0
4 Karl Ahlswede M40+ DVOA 117:43 9:43 13:50 1129.65 -54.6
5 Angelica Riley F-21+ 131:48 10:53 27:55 1264.80 +13.7
6 Mark Frank M45+ 145:29 12:01 41:36 1396.11 +103.6
7 Sandy Fillebrown F50+ 153:04 12:39 49:11 1468.88 +98.3
8 Johnny Wrongway M45+ 169:37 14:01 65:44 1627.70 +290.0
9 Daria Babushok F-21+ 177:23 14:39 73:30 1702.23 +85.1
10 Valerie Meyer F45+ 187:23 15:29 83:30 1798.19 -201.6
11 Udaya Bollineni M-21+ 209:56 17:20 106:03 2014.59 +294.0
Red Summary
Length 12.10km
Climb 365.0m
Num Controls 8
Average Time 147:19
Average Pace 12:10
Num Maps 11
Num Orienteers 11
Total Time 27:00:38
Total Distance 133.10km
Total Climb 4015.0m
Total Controls 88
Red Rankings



Pl Name Class Club Time Pace Behind *Score **Diff
1 Mihai Veres M40+ 135:45 7:40 0:00 930.32 -23.3
2 Clem McGrath M-21+ 137:42 7:46 1:57 943.68 -12.1
3 Wyatt Riley M-21+ 142:25 8:02 6:40 976.00 -21.4
4 Vadim Masalkiov M35+ 143:54 8:07 8:09 986.17 -111.8
5 Floren Tencariu M-21+ 153:52 8:41 18:07 1054.47 -36.9
6 Marek Filicko M-21+ QOC 159:42 9:01 23:57 1094.45  
7 Randy Hall M35+ 161:09 9:06 25:24 1104.39 +104.1
8 Mark Cornish M45+ 193:04 10:54 57:19 1323.12 +84.0
9 Glen Brake M50+ QOC 215:27 12:10 79:42 1476.51  
10 Francis Hogle M45+ 279:13 15:46 143:28 1913.52 +96.0
Blue Summary
Length 17.70km
Climb 590.0m
Num Controls 12
Average Time 172:13
Average Pace 9:43
Num Maps 10
Num Orienteers 10
Total Time 28:42:13
Total Distance 177.00km
Total Climb 5900.0m
Total Controls 120
Blue Rankings


Event Totals
Distance:864.50 km
Climb:22670.0 m
DNF Did Not Finish
MP MisPunch
OT OverTime
NC Not Competing (also used for a 2nd course at same event)
CGV Course Gnarliness Value - a measurement indicating the difficulty of a course
Pl Place, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Behind How far behind the winner, in MM:SS

* While the "Score" value is an indication of how well you performed in this event, please understand it is partly determined by how well you performed in all other events. Not only that, it is also partly determined by how well all others performed. The "Score" value will change as the season progresses. Even if you miss an event, it is quite likely this score will change. It is not useful to compare Scores on one course to the Scores on a different course. For a full explanation of the rankings formula please see the rankings formula page.

** The "Diff" column displays the difference between this event and your ranking score. A positive number indicates your result was better than your year-to-date ranking score while a negative number indicates a result that was not as good as your ranking score.